Sunday, April 21, 2013

If My Political Aspirations Are Serious ? Dan Farland 2016

I believe I see opportunites for improvements to Federal Code and State Laws that others have failed to see.
I have have a facebook page and other Blogs where I have been expressing my Political views since 2008 ? here's another  I am a registered, voting Democrat and I believe in working within the system and reforming the Laws for the benefit of the People.

I've been hearing the word "meticulous" lately. Well, meticulous improvements to Federal Code and State Laws is missing. We need people in government that can peer through the interstices of bad news,law making and debate and perform legislative miracles that relieve the People.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

"We Are Ready To Be Prosecuted."-Barrack Obama, DanFarland Democrat4Prez 2016

The Regular Patrolman Squads Defer to SWAT when Rifles are involved.

Where Law Ends, Tyranny Begins" -John Locke
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Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Saudi National Being Deported May Be Suspect In Boston Bombing" - Fox News

Gene Vallee shared a link.

  • Gene Vallee shared a link.
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  • SUSPICIOUS DOINGS BY WHITE HOUSE: The Saudi “person of interest” suspected of being involved in the Boston Marathon bombings is being deported from the United States next week on “national security grounds,” according to a terrorism expert, who notes that the move is “very unusual,” especially given an unscheduled meeting yesterday between President Obama and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Foreign Policy Failures, War, Bad News In Boston

"...for Ourselves and Our Posterity(future generations)"The US Constitutution
We need foreign policy Amendments to the Constitiution. The Last 10? presidents have aided Governments that would be illegal here in the US. Harming succeeding generations. "Self-Determination" is a term that allows the greedy to have dealings with governments that aren't Democracies. Democracy is a word that really doesn't mean anything in itself. Intelligent College educated people are denied a Say-In-Gov't because the US has been aiding and still aids Saudi Kings and Dictators.
My cat Dobby says "all this bad news is not for you to lecture". I say, "I have Freedom of Speech", some thing we have not been fully supporting beyond our borders and thereby the Last 10? presidents may have denied future generations F.O.Speech and A-Say-In-Gov't. -Dan F. Farland
WE should also reopen the Debate, as was the case after the Vietnam war, of the "War Powers Act".  Over How the President can order an "act of war" without Congress.

Monday, July 19, 2010


by Penzant Goup Zzzyzup

The organizing documents of all of the above have sentence or paragraph entries or Omissions! that in a thoroughly examining "Legal Test" would prove to be violators under the scrutiny of modern law.
The US Constitution does not have law or amendments that state that it is illegal to give military assistance or aid
to governments based on Tyranny! Non-democratic kingdoms and dictatorships need to torture people and violate what would be here in the U.S.A. "freedom of speech" in order to maintain their power. Whenever journalists or activists call for elections to have a "Say in Government", to have have a say in what affects their daily lives, they are arrested and often killed. That's why Our Constitution called these ruler-for-life characters tyrants. We are violating our laws by ignoring to broadly interpret the clause that:
"We the People ... secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,"

posterity [po-ster-i-tee]

noun 1. succeeding or future generations collectively: "Judgement of this age
must be left to posterity".

We the People with modern travel being what it is, with nearly 500m (five-hundred
million people) or half a billion people a year taking to the skies and flying in airplanes and other extremely numerous vehicle boundary crossings globally made by us and our friends ,
Declare and Demand the US Constitution be Amended to reflect the current global political environment of this succeeding generation and of our continuing these future generations.

The biggest problems kingdoms have is not that they don't squash opposition enough but that they don't allow the people a "say in government" and transitions to democracy.
It's amazing that in the history of even some of the biggest and best known democracies the governments had vestiges(needless remnants) of royalty and kingdoms in that not only did they not make all of the best efforts to see that all people enjoy the benefits of Liberty but instead have given military assistance and aid to the royals and dictators, fomenting and nursing Tyranny that threatens to return even here.
Left-wing Liberals of the past used the terms Imperialism and Colonialism alot. Stop pulling punches and name them exactly. Their Kings, Sheikhs, dictators, the Shah of Iran was a Tyrant.
Harry S. Truman our former president was one of our leaders that helped squash Democracy. What? You might say? Squash democracy? Yes, before the United States got involved in the Vietnam war the Indo-China(vietnamese) nationals wanted to adopt an American style Constitution and have a say in their own government. Instead of Truman and the US saying, "Now hold on there France we think the people should have say!" After all France is a democracy too. Instead the only help the Vietnamese could get to throw off their "democracy" based overlords who had remnants of royalty attitudes and ways, was to turn to the Communist countries near them for help. So the Vietnamese and Cambodians became communists instead of akin to the "half-way" democracies. The French being a democracy themselves should of realized that by allowing and even helping their colony become independent and have home-rule by vote of the people, they could remain friends through the change of government and would have likely been able to keep some of the business relationships and operations that they had going as long as they gave them honest and fair treatment.
The United States continues to financially aid Kings in different countries. WTO(world trade organization riots) in Seattle and other places had the enemies of fair treatment change their policies and now many companies have incorporated the idea of "sustainability" to their corporate practices.
Change doesn't come easy. It may seem odd that at this time when Anarchists who are on the Streets of Portland Oregon fighting the Police, our enforcers of the law, because the Police are sometimes using too deadly of force that someone would want more Law. I think people may want Anarchy(a state or society without government or law definition) because it's not clear exactly what a Democracy is, especially in all it's actions since it's inception(beginning). But that's what we're calling for. We're demanding more law and that the "system"
and it's enforcers be used for more good(our own good as well) to be done on our behalf. So the World will know the people of the United States are honest fair and their friends. We hope to have more fruitful not destructive relationships and a global political policy and plan for this future we're in now and our posterity.
Domestically(here at home) the Police should all be given body and head armor and the best equipment including non-harmful weapons.
We are calling for a national "Citizens First" Law be added as an Amendment(additional improvement) to the Constitution. That police and other "peace officers" are considered citizens first when it comes to being prosecuted for killing someone. That if deadly force is used that they will be prosecuted for murder like a normal citizen would be if there was not a deadly threat to them or other citizens.
